panel - meaning and definition. What is panel
Online Dictionary

What (who) is panel - definition

Panels; Panel (disambiguation)

(Law.) Array, body of jurors.
¦ noun
1. a distinct section, typically rectangular, forming part of or set into a door, vehicle, garment, etc.
a decorated area within a larger design containing a separate subject.
2. a flat board on which instruments or controls are fixed.
3. a small group of people brought together to investigate or decide upon a particular matter.
Brit. a list of medical practitioners registered as accepting patients under the National Health Service.
chiefly N. Amer. a list of available jurors or a jury.
4. Scots Law a person or people charged with a crime or offence.
¦ verb (panels, panelling, panelled; US panels, paneling, paneled) [usu. as adjective panelled] cover (a wall or other surface) with panels.
panelling noun
ME (in sense 'piece of parchment', later 'list'): from OFr., based on L. pannus '(piece of) cloth'.
1) a control, instrument panel
group that discusses or investigates a topic
2) to select a panel
3) to serve on a panel
4) an impartial panel
5) an advisory; consumer; fact-finding; government panel
6) a panel on (a panel on drug addiction)



Panel may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for panel
1. panel.
How The Internet Influences Comedy _ Paul Scheer + More _ Talks at Google
2. panel.
Tetraktys _ Ari Juels _ Talks at Google
3. It was this panel, this panel, and this panel
Nazi Looting - Theft and Recovery _ Shauna Isaac _ Talks at Google
4. many terms, sight panel, over panel,
How Blind Users Experience Youtube _ Victor Tsaran _ Talks at Google
5. women's panel.
The Game Changers _ Ellen Hill Zeringue, Molly Wurdack-Folt, Marcia Turner _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of panel
1. We now turn to our first witness on the panel, on our next panel.
2. Lowenkron conducted a panel discussion with the film‘s producers and a panel of four religious figures.
3. Panel member Joseph Cuzzupoli echoed other panel members in his praise of NASA‘s efforts.
4. Panel–beaters Another group of workers in high demand are panel–beaters.
5. Panel Says ATLANTA –– A federal advisory panel is recommending that all children get flu shots.